If you are using AT&T or Comcast as your ISP, we recommend that you disable their internet security tool. A quick Google search will show you how unstable AT&T and Comcast security can be and how it blocks random websites. Their tool is not efficient enough, and we suggest using Norton or AVG security tools instead. If you do not disable AT&T's and comcast security tool, many services such as IPTV channels, catch-up, and movies may not work properly.k. 

For AT&T Customers:

Go to their Smart Home Manager app and click on the top right icon (the one that looks like a chat icon)

Request to have your Activemore Disabled. 

and then go to Settings and select App Preferences:

And then disable Internet security if you see it listed:

Now try attempt to play the same content u tried before and it will work! Eventual try restart the device.
If it does not work you may want to enable the service and then disable the service again. Or call AT&T we have had incidents where AT&T support had to do it sometimes on behalf of the customer.

For xfinity (comcast) Customers:

Open app: Xfinity

Go to the Security tab.

Select Advanced Security  

Select Turn Off.